Please fill out all of the fields below
What is your EXISTING MyFitnessPal username:
(If you don’t currently have one please create one before moving onto the next question to do this all you need to do is download the MyFitnessPal app and create your username)
What is your current bodyweight (if known)?
How tall are you?
How old are you?
List your health conditions (if any)?
What are your main goals that you are hoping to achieve?
What do you want to learn from the Transformation?
Why are these goals important to you?
Have you tried to achieve these goals before?
Have you achieved the results you wanted? Why / why not?
How many days per week do you train?
What is your training structure (if any)?
List your injuries (if any)?
What style of training will you be focusing on?
How many meals do you have per day?
What are your usual meal times?
How often do you have dessert?
What do you usually have for dessert?
What snacks do you eat during the day (if any)?
How much water do you drink per day (litres)?
Any other fluids you drink (coffee, tea, etc.)?
How has your body changed in last 12 weeks?
Do you have any digestive issues(bloating, reflux, etc.)?
How long do you sleep each night on average (hours)?
Are you a deep sleeper?
Do you find it easy to fall asleep?
What time do you go to bed and wake up?
How are your energy levels throughout the day?
What is your average alcohol intake each week?
Are you seeing any health professionals (please list)?
What do you do for work?
How much do you work (full-time, casual, etc.)?
What are your usual work hours (9am - 5pm, etc.)?
What are your usual work days?
How much do you sit, stand and move at work?
How are your stress levels at work?
How are your stress levels at home?
Are your periods regular, if not please elaborate?
Are you on "the pill", or have been in the past?
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